
Genetti Hotel & Conference Center is offering conference attendees a rate of $89.99 per room per night single or double occupancy (double queen bed rooms) w/ complimentary hot breakfast.  Lodging deadline is June 12th, 2017.

Please contact Genetti’s directly for rooms via phone number is (570) 823-6152 and press “0” to get the operator.  Be sure to state that you are with the “Mine Reclamation Conference” to get the rate stated above.  They also have a website and can be found on several travel websites, but we have negotiated a better rate with the hotel directly.

Scholarships: Scholarships will be considered this year for lodging at Genetti’s on June 20th and June 21st at the above-stated rates on a first come first serve basis and may be offered in whole or part to members of non-profit community/watershed organizations and conservation districts in Pennsylvania or adjoining states. Preference will be given to those who can room together to save on lodging costs.  Mileage and other travel costs are not being considered this year. The PA AMR Conference Committee reserves the right to award scholarships on demonstrated need, distance, and availability of funding. The scholarship request deadline is June 1st 2017. Scholarship awardees will be notified following this deadline. Please contact Robert Hughes at rhughes@epcamr.org or (570) 371-3523 for more information.

Scholarship awardees will be responsible for making their own reservation by the lodging deadline (stated above). Upon leaving the conference the base room rate should be charged to the PA AMR Conference Master account (If it is not, the AMR Conference Committee will reimburse you via check after the Conference with proof of purchase for the base room rate). The PA AMR Conference Planning Committee will be providing a list of scholarship awardees to the hotel. You may be required to place your credit card on your room with the hotel for extras and incidentals, which are not the responsibility of the PA AMR Conference Committee, as the scholarship is only for the room. Cancellation of the room less than 24 hours prior to stay or “no shows” will also not be the responsibility of the PA AMR Conference Committee and will be billed to the contact information provided on the scholarship application form.